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Welcome to the New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings online database for searching OATH decisions and recommendations from 2004 to the present.  The search box above is a basic search engine, and may be used to search more than one word or term by using the following search connectors:


    Use AND between search words or terms to find cases that contain all of the search terms.


          Example:  Krimstock AND notice AND car


          This will link to all cases containing the words Krimstock, notice, and car.


    Use OR between search words or terms to find cases that contain any of the search terms.


          Example:  car OR vehicle OR automobile


          This will link to all cases containing any one of these words.


    You may also combine AND and OR for a more complex search.


    In order to conduct a proximity search (a search for decisions where two or more words appear within a certain distance of one another), use the Menu Assisted Search.

The information published here is intended to assist the interested public, and is not intended as legal advice.